Commander bacara galactic marines
Commander bacara galactic marines

commander bacara galactic marines

An additional search located disassembled BX-series Commando Droids. One of five smugglers was killed in a blasterfire engagement and the others were arrested. Personnel from the 21st Nova Corps partook in an anti-smuggling bust on Coruscant. One unit from the 21st, the 52nd Wampa Battalion, later slit off from the Galactic Marines to become it's own independent unit. Thunder reached the rank of General due to several miraculous feats in battle, and a number of heavy losses due to combat with the CIS. Thunder dreamt up the concept for Kilo Squadron, which was approved when the entire unit was recruited into the 21st Nova Corps' Galactic Marines. ARC-4714 "Ke'ss", who met Shorty while on a tour on Mygeeto, later took over the unit's leadership role.Ī squad of shinies led by volunteer trooper VT-0691 "Thunder" succeeded in defeating the Separatists during a skirmish on Rishi. Volunteer Advanced Recon Commando and Commander VARC-1221 "Winter" and VARCC-2209 "Harvest" founded the Ranger Regiment.

  • 4.3 32nd Marine Special Operations Battalion.
  • 4.1 1st Maritimes Special Operations Regiment.
  • 3.8 1st Maritimes Special Operations Regiment.
  • 2.6 2.3 1st Maritimes Special Operations Regiment.
  • 1.1.2 Coruscant Anti-Smuggling Operation.

  • Commander bacara galactic marines